Ask The JamFam: What's Your Go-To Quarantine Recipe?

Ask The JamFam: What's Your Go-To Quarantine Recipe?


Everyone is cooking more. Here's what we're cooking most.

Welcome to Ask the JamFam, where we ask expert culture writers, seasoned couch-sitters, and members of the JamFam the most pressing chilling-adjacent questions on our mind. In today's edition, we're talkin' food. No matter who you are, quarantine has likely made you a better and more resourceful home cook. Here's what we're making for ourselves.

Vikram Murthi, writer (The Onion, Vulture): A little thing called Mac n Cheese.

Brianna Holt, writer (The New York Times, Complex): Chicken Tikka Masala

Alphonse Pierre, writer (Pitchfork): Chicken pesto

Larry Fitzmaurice, writer (Last Donut of the Night, New York Magazine): Grilled cheese sandwich with sweet potato and kale

Dayna Evans, writer (New York Times, New York Magazine): I make bread on more days than not, but I try to switch it up so there's no real one consistent recipe. I cannot get enough of this salmon and green goddess recipe on the Times—it's super fresh and tasty and whoever decided hot potatoes and cool cucumbers should be mixed together is a smart person. Plus, it feels sorrrrrrt of healthy.

Winston Cook-Wilson, writer (Pitchfork, Grantland): white rice, black beans, roast chicken

Corban Goble, writer: Pasta with arrabiata or crock pot tacos

Joanna Rothkopf, writer for Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: I've "faux-tisseried" a whole chicken three times and really loved, other than that I am no cook so perhaps a smoothie

Otis Blum, screenwriter: Chinese take out. [Ed. note: does not count.]

Hunter Harris, writer (Vulture): I can make the fuck out of some twice baked potatoes, loaded with cheese and bacon bits. I make the bacon fresh, it's the only way. Second runner up is Alison Roman's creamy cauliflower pasta.

Paul Hinkes, writer and actor: Fusilli with a vodka sauce a la "Parm". NEW YORK GUY, HERE

Morgan Baila, writer and editor (Refinery29): Oat milk latte, but I add a bunch of spices and herbal supplements in the AM, and "Buddha" grain bowls with sautéed vegetables and homemade dressing in the PM.

Kate Dries, writer and editor (Vice Magazine): Anything involving hummus.

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