Ask The JamFam: What's A Purchase You Thought Would Change Your Life, But Absolutely Did Not?

Ask The JamFam: What's A Purchase You Thought Would Change Your Life, But Absolutely Did Not?


Our writers nominate their least valuable purchases

Welcome to Ask the JamFam, where we ask expert culture writers, seasoned couch-sitters, and members of the JamFam the most pressing chilling-adjacent questions on our mind. Right now, we're all trying to optimize, and have ample time to browse options online. But sometimes, it doesn't work out. Here's our writers sounding off on their least satisfying excursions.

Vikram Murthi: Polaroid camera

Brianna Holt: Blue light protector glasses, barely wear them

Alphonse Pierre: chromecast

Larry Fitzmaurice: Mini sitting elliptical

Dayna Evans: Patagonia Baggies. I love some 'Gonia but I'm not as basic as I thought and those shorts make me feel a little more GORP-y than I was looking for.

Winston Cook-Wilson: Crocs / salad spinner

Corban Goble: I bought a pair of technical pants I loved right before quarantine started, and now I have no idea where they are because after that I pretty much never thought of them again

Joanna Rothkopf: My stupid ass FitBit

Otis Blum: Whoop

Hunter Harris: There's a moment in the dressing room of a Reformation when you believe one of their titty tops (or one of their uncomfortably too-short dresses) will change your life. It almost happened to me once, like I was in a situation where the Reformation titty top almost changed my life, but it did not. The Reformation titty top did not change my life.

Paul Hinkes: Bought this book about wine and thought I'd be a sommelier over night. A few years later and yup, I'll still just buy the second cheapest bottle at the store.

Morgan Baila: Any round of shots I've ever purchased while drunk.

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